UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2014 Watching online movie without downloading is called movie streaming. How this work? When you watch movie streaming you don’t have to wait downloading a file to play it. Instead of this, movie is sent in a continuous stream of data and is played as it arrives. So if you still hesitate about watching movies on stream, here is some most common benefits and minuses: First most obvious thing is that you save time on downloading, other good advantage is instantness, you just have to decide what movie you will watch and click on play, one of bigger minuses in past was quality of video, but now streaming is on good way to equalize with downloading, and more sites now is offering even HD quality streams. Second disadvantage can be internet speed, for HD movies needed to have more than 1 Mbps and sometimes up to more than 3 Mbps, but still you can watch movies in slightly lower quality without any problems.
10 Best Free Movie Streaming Sites
When it comes to free streaming there are bunch of sites, but we choose 10 of them who were free, no registration needed, no login, no paying, and ranked them so your experience to be more pleasant and more easily to choose what of online watching websites is best for you.
On the table below you will see 10 website and each site is ranked by its layout (and design), Quality of video and audio, Quantity of movies in website database, How many New movies site have (how often is updated), and how much annoying Ads have.

Review of Best Free Movie Streaming Sites
WatchMoviesPro.us - is one of newer site on the web for free movie streaming. They are new site but their Movie database is bigger than many older sites. With more then 5000 titles it is almost impossible not to find your movie. For every movie there are many streams, and all of them are with rank to be able easier to choose stream with better quality. If you like you can also register and become part of WatchMoviesPro community.
Putlocker.is- Site is looking very modestly, or in other words simple design functional but definitely not one of best designed websites. Site have huge database of titles available for watching online, they have embed films on site and also links to hosting sites. So you can choose to watch on the site or on some 3 party hosting sites. Putlocker is also frequently updated on daily basis. They do not have any additional futures like: option to create account, forum or chat, but it is still good site and deserve to be between best sites.
MerDB.cn- if you are fan of sites similar to Primewire and Solarmovie, then this is one of the sites you should try. They do not embed films directly on the site, instead of that there are hundreds of streaming links per movie to 3party hosting site where you can watch them. These types of streaming sites are good for more reasons: They have streams with different video quality, adequate streams for all internet speeds and for all platforms and there are always some streams even for some movies that are not popular. They have also pop up ads but if you like you can make account and disable them. They also have forum where you can discuss about streaming, movies, or if you have any kind of problem with the site.
Viooz.ac- formerly Viooz.co is another interesting and also very popular site. Viooz in the past was between top 10 movie sites in our ranking, but they have some problem and updates and now they are back. They have simple and easy to use design without any misleading features. Movies are embed on the site so you will not need to watch it on third party host sites. Database is big and frequently is updated, there are movies from all genres and years. In the past they were site with best quality streams, but in last period few new sites take that primate from them. There is option to register on the site, but it is not needed if you don’t want. Viooz is one of the better site for free movie streaming.
Yify.tv- Yifi is interesting streaming site it is not one of the biggest film steaming sites, but is always good to have in your short list. Movie quality is their strongest side, they are not the best in this category but one of better website, amount of titles is also on adequate level, often is updated but it isn’t best place if you are browsing for some small or not so much commercial film. Design of the site is darker, interesting and unique, site is also very simple to use and functional. Just when you search movies click on covers, there are also some fake play buttons (stream in hd, play in hd, instant play, download) try to ignore them and you will have more peasant time on YIFY.tv.
MoviesPlanet.tv- is small site but very promising. They don’t have the biggest database of movies but theirs video quality is great. This is not place to find latest movies or movies that are still in theaters. Here can be found only movies with great video quality, usually they update with new title when there is good copy of the movie (1 to 3 months after cinema relies). Here is required registration, but it is simple mail registration, without any credit card asking, paying, surveys… MoviePlanet have also one of better looking designs, very colorful but also functional. This is site you should definitely check if you want to watch 2/3 months older movies on good High Definition quality.
LosMovies.tv- is one of most complete sites for free streaming. Site is updated daily and have really good amount of movies to be watched here. Quality of the video varies but you can see on cover what video quality have the movie: HD, DVD, CAM, 3D. About 3D movies, I wasn’t able to test does the movies are really in 3D, but if you have 3D monitor you can test this option. Another interesting features here are movie collections: Top Christmas, football, baseball, superheroes, zombie movies… Ads, like every other site and they have pop up ads, can be annoying but also sites needs to make some money. Losmovies also have interesting, very eye friendly design. There is option to register if you like, it will give you few option more. Check the site maybe it is most adequate for you.
Movieshd.co- Is also one of newer streaming sites. On the beginning site was focused only on HD movies (at the moment they are maybe the best place for watching online HD movies), but in last few months they also started to upload latest movies that are still on some lower quality (This is because for movies that are in cinema, usually DVD version is still not realized). Design of the site is also unique, it is very easy to navigate through the site and all of the movies have user ratings, stats how many times they have been watched and movie length. All of these stats should be helpful when you are browsing for random movie. On moviehd.co also can be found small collection of Bollywood movies. This site is one of the better places if you want to watch some 2+ months old movie on great High Definition quality.
SolarMovie.is- was best free movie streaming site before this update, it is still the same site with many futures and option, but now competition is even bigger. Database is huge and if someone can be competition of Primewire that is SolarMovie in this segment. Movies are in form of link to third part hosting sites, as a result of that there are 100+ streams per title. Video quality varies from HD to lower quality, they have stream for every one with and every interned speed. Solarmovie have one of biggest community, you can make account and start movie conversation on their forum or if you have some problems using their site you can always ask them to help you.
PrimeWire.ag- absolute leader between movie streaming sites for a long time, and also most widely used and most popular site for watching movies. Primewire is more than 10 years old site and with that they have biggest database of movies without any competition in this segment. Here can be found movies from all languages, regions, Hollywood, Bollywood movies, if the movie is not on Primewire probably it isn’t available anywhere on internet. They haven’t made some big progress in design but site still looks good and works well. There are some ads and also pop up but if you register you can disable them. Movies are on third party hosting sites this is good because you can choose between hundreds of streaming links per title, and every time you will have at least few good quality and working streams. Primewire is site that you always should have in mind if you plan to watch movies online.
MovieTube- is new generation of movie streaming sites, great website design easy to use with many features. Movietube as new site has already enormous collection of movies, from all genres. Video quality is also their good side, for almost every movie that is realized on DVD they have 720p or 1080p video quality. Browsing movies here is another new experience you can done it conventionally by title or by choosing one genre right from menu and will open you responsive search where you can set up your own parameters for browsing. MovieTube App is available for Windows, Mac, and Android, this is another think that make this site great. I personally have tested desktop version and works perfect. On MovieTube App are available all movies they have on site but here you will have also option for subtitle on every movie on more than 5 languages, and there is option to use external subtitle file. To use this site or App is completely free, no registration, sign up or credit card requirements.
- All of these websites are free with no obligation to register login pay etc…
- When it comes to legality of websites they are in grey area but is up to you to decide.
- Most of this websites are not actual host of their stream, They work as a aggregators of links to movie streaming.
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