George W. Bush Says Jeb Bush 2016 Presidential Run Is 'A Toss-Up'

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WASHINGTON -- Former President George W. Bush said on Sunday that the odds of his brother, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, running for president in 2016 are evenly split.

"I'd give it a toss-up," the former president told Bob Schieffer on "Face The Nation," according to a transcript.
Bush also stated that he's "all in" on helping his brother if he does make a decision to run.
"I'll do whatever he wants," Bush said. "I will be one of his strongest backers. If he wants me out there publicly, I'll be out there publicly. If he wants me behind the scenes, I'll be behind the scenes. ... I'm all in for him. He'd be a great president. And the country could use an optimistic view like his."
Other family members have previously stated that Jeb Bush is strongly considering whether to run for the nation's top office. His son, George P. Bush, said in October, "I think it's more than likely that he's giving this a serious thought in moving forward."
Were he to run, Jeb's brother George said, Jeb would not need to make a choice between public service and his family.
"I know Jeb's priority is his family," Bush said. "A priority is his family. I also know it's his country. And his deep faith. And he has seen that you don't have to sell those out in order to be a politician."

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